Monday, September 11, 2006


what are all those yummies? i was in the cooking mood today ... so i made another batch of the southwest couscous salad from 28 cooks.

it came out just as yummy as last time, and i think even a bit prettier! i also made a batch of cilantro jalapeno hummus, but forgot to take pictures of that. i have a bad habit of snacking on the garbanzos before they get pulverized.

i picked this up from the library today. i had read a review of it over at lolly's, and it sounded interesting ... and, i could listen to it on cd!

darth tater is just daring me to speed ! (... or dust my steering column)

so, that was my randomness of the day. the weather is nicer, ... cool and breezy. perfect. i got my painting back up on the wall. i need to clean house and bomb again. i need to get organized!

sometimes, i just feel like my day is over, but it's too early to go to sleep ... so i think i'm just going to crawl into bed with a pile of books. nighty night.

1 comment:

Fiber said...

That looks awesome!