Monday, September 24, 2007

'tis the FOOD season .....

when the weather begins to turn, and there's hope of not dying in the kitchen trying to create a yummy dish ... then it IS the season to heat things up once again.

sunday was spent in the typical way ... over with jackie & the hippie. i knitted. jackie read cookbooks. we both drooled ....

so many yummy dishes to look forward to ... soups, roasted chicken, seasonal vegetables, big hearty dishes.

and in this midst of food fantasy, jackie decided that we needed chicken pot pie for dinner! OMG ! DELICIOUS !!!

i paid extra close attention ... and i plan on making this myself sometime in the very near future. it took me back to sweet memories of chicken dumplings.

see how good it is ....

that's the hippie saying, " i'm not sharing !".

i did bring something home with me ... even if it wasn't leftovers .... i brought home "potential" !

i tried this recipe tonight for a cuban black bean soup. i mostly followed the recipe, but thought that 3 giant onions might be too much for the soup ... thus, it was altered. it's still very yummy, and kinda burns from the one jalapeno (seeds and all) (a very potent jalapeno).

... and now, i'm waiting for some rice to finish up so i can ladle the soup over it .... delicious ! and i have lots of leftovers !!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

how to bathe stuart ....

first ... find something to wash him with, so he doesn't have to go swimming solo. for example: your favorite dress that you forgot to wash earlier that day because it was hanging out of sight.

then, place him in a lingerie bag, where he will be safe from the terrors of the beating stick.

add detergent to washer ....

and then send stuart swimming !

if he floats he's a witch ;)

he didn't float ... but he did come out sparkley clean ....

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


september 11th is a special day for me. and probably only for me, in my context ....

on the calendar, this year it's a new moon. how appropriate. last year, the calendar said patriot day. i'm not certain as to which historical events my calendar intended. but, the word patriot is not one to sweep under the rug.

... and i like very much that this year it's a new moon. new things ....

and the old things? the old thing(s) is(are) gone. absent. dormant? not around. not bothering me.

but still lingers in my mind ....

i thought i had posted this before, but i could not find it in either of my blogs ... but, just incase ... if you're ever in doubt ... just read this. seriously.

without it, there may never be a new moon ....