Wednesday, February 01, 2006

the haphazard cook

it looks more like a CSI crimescene, vs. the kitchen of an inexperienced cook. it especially looked so after dropping the saucy wooden spoon on the floor, and spraying a ton of tomato splatter across the floor and trash can. thank god for black pants! (i'll scrape the crusties off later!)(giggle giggle)

this is the scene of making spinach and roasted red pepper lasagna from this gem. (ps. the photography in this book could certainly lure a vegetarian to omnivore). little did i realize it was an almost from scratch recipe, thus requiring hours of attention. i'm sure it will be worth it though. i also learned that my 9" x 13" pyrex is a bit on the shallow side, as i had leftover sauce (not to mention it did not meet the measurements of the required baking dish dictated in the recipe. oops). after this masterpiece comes out of the oven, i will be off to target for some appropriate containers for freezing yummy portions.

1 comment:

Leanne Pizio said...

Go Chef Go!
You'll have to come cook for me and Will next time you come or....
we can cook for you since you are always cooking for yourself!